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Companies That Are Invested In You: Find A Place You Can Grow
Nicole Lee
Oct 18, 2016
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With the amazing news that we were ranked 5th on PROFIT 500’s list of the fastest-growing companies in Canada, and second in the software industry, we have a lot to celebrate.

At the very top of that list for us is our team. The people that make up Redbrick are Redbrick. We have an incredible group of talented, hard-working, and above all – fun – individuals.

Sound cliché? We’re not apologizing. In fact, the ROI has been fantastic. From a tiny two-person office in Victoria’s Market Square, to taking over three way-bigger offices, to our brand new and beautifully renovated space, we are proud to call Store Street home now.

Don’t worry, we brought the ol’ ping pong table with us. Too many memories. Throughout our growth-phase, our team has been the fuel to the fire, and we are fortunate to have brought together some of the best, like-minded people.

From day one, we have hired ahead with the intention of having people with the right DNA in place to accelerate growth, at all times. It’s a strategy that has worked well; it has streamlined our ability to deliver top-notch products, and helped us keep our customers happy along the way.

One of those hires, back in 2012, was Cecia. She came to us straight from makeup school and was working at the front of house for a resort on Galiano Island. With a great sense of humour, and eye for detail, we were pleased to offer her the role of Operations Assistant.

Redbrick was a scruffy looking start-up, and this position required, in many ways, a ‘jack of all trades’ to help make the office more inhabitable, assist with administrative and HR duties, keep the printer printing, the files filing, and the coffee machine flowing.

After two years in this role, Cecia expressed interest in learning more about what went on behind the scenes and took on learning about product management off of the side of her desk. Seeing that this was an area of interest for her, we kept an eye out for opportunities to encourage her to keep learning, and last year she moved into a product management role.

In that year, she learned more about how the business worked, what she liked, and didn’t. Most recently, she has decided to leave Redbrick to pursue an eight-week bootcamp with LightHouse Labs, and start learning code. If we’ve learned anything about business in our five short years, it’s that people matter most, so listen to their needs, and help them grow.

Many of our team members have moved through various roles in the company, and this flexibility and adaptability has been incredibly valuable to both their personal growth, and ours as a company. Happy people = engaged and productive teams Whether you’re a business owner, or an employee, remember that it is a two-way street. As a business owner, I encourage you to do what it takes to help your team pursue their interests.

Empowering employees will decrease turnover, increase workplace satisfaction, and ultimately, positively impact your bottom line. If you’re an employee, find a place where there is room and desire for you to grow, and you’ll inevitably contribute to the growth and success of that company and you’ll be happier doing it.